Previous meetings and conferences
Since 2005 I have been actively participating in conferences, workshops, and meetings on the topics of human rights, disability rights, and peacebuilding all across the world. See below for a full list.

List of conferences, meetings, and workshops since 2005
Title: Education as an entry point to Syria’s Political Process
Place/date: Geneva (Switzerland) December 13, 2024
Role: Panelist
Organizer: EuroMed Feminist Initiative and Duderi Organisation
Title: International Integrated Scientific Forum titled “Economic Rights of Disabled
Women: Breaking Barriers – Challenges and Solutions”
Place/date: Tikrit (Iraq) December 12, 2024
Role: Panelist
Organizer: BRC Science Foundation " Be Real Foundation"
Title: 1st SCientific International ConferenceOn Higher Education for Persons with Disabilities
Place/date: Benghazi (Lybia), December 01-03,2024
Role: Panelist
Organizer: University of Benghazi
Title: Education as a tool for Democracy and Peace building in Syria
Place/date: Vienna (Austria), November 16,2024
Role: Panelist
Organizer: EuroMed Feminist Initiative and Duderi Organisation
Title: The 15th International Disability Law Summer School
Gender and Disability Justice
Place/date: Galway (Ireland), June 17-21, 2024
Role: Delegate
Organizer: The Centre for Disability Law and Policy (CDLP) at University of Galway
Title: Presidents Summit 2024
Place/date: Copenhagen (Denmark), May 29-30, 2024
Role: Delegate
Title: The Arab Forum for Sustainable Development-2023 (AFSD-2023)
“special session on Inclusive climate adaptation and mitigation of human
settlements in the Arab region”
Place/date: Beyrout (Lebanon), March 14-16, 2023
Role: Organizer
Organizer: UNDP
Title: Youth Knowledge Forum
Youth with disabilities living in tomorrow’s world
Place/date: Dubai (UAE ), December 08-09, 2022
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation & UNDP
Title: Youth Knowledge Forum
Place/date: Dubai (UAE ), December 06-07, 2022
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation & UNDP
Title: Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference COP27
"Disability-Inclusive Actions for a greener future"
Place/date: Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt), November 12,2022
Role: Co-organizer
Organizer: UNFCCC
Title: Global Convening for Women’s Leadership for Sustainable Peace
Place/date: Geneva (Switzerland ), November 15-17, 2022
Role: Delegate
Organizer: UN Women
Title: Digital inkludering: utmaningar och möjligheter för nyanlända med
Place/date: Malmöi (Sweden ), September 22, 2022
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Digital Practices for Inclusive Programs (DPIP) Project & SwIdeas AB
Title: Towards an Inclusive Approach for Persons with Disability in the Arab Region
Technical Peer Learning Workshop
“Equality and Non-discrimination: What Have We Learned and What is the Way Ahead?”
Place/date: Amman (Jordan ), June 28-29, 2022
Role: Organizer
Organizer: UNDP & UNPRPD
Title: Strategic Planning: How to Proceed with the Syrian Peace Process?
Place/date: Loccum (Germany), September 13-16, 2021
Role: Delegate
Organizer: European Center for Kurdish Studies (EZKS)/ Evangelische Akademie Loccum
Title: Strategic Plan
Place/date: Berlin (Germany), September 06-09, 2021
Role: Delegate
Organizer: European Center for Kurdish Studies (EZKS)
Title: Abnorm” En Konferens Om Att Sta Ut
Place/date: Malmö (Sweden), 24 October 2020
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Inkluderingslabbe
Title: One Constitution for all Syrians – Facilitating the Peace Process in Syria
Place/date: Montreux (Switzerland), 26–31 August 2020
Role: Delegate
Organizer: European Center for Kurdish Studies (EZKS)/Power Sharing a United Syria
Title: Postpolio Conference
Place/date: Gothenburg (Sweden), 5–6 March 2020
Role: Delegate
Organizer: RG Integration
Title: Roundtable on Engendering the Constitution, Europe
Place/date: Paris (France), 11–12 August 2020
Role: Speaker
Organizer: EuroMed Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI
Title: Unity in Diversity – A Constitution of all Syrians
Place/date: Loccum (Germany), 27 November–2 December 2019
Role: Delegate
Organizer: European Center for Kurdish Studies (EZKS)/ Evangelische Akademie Loccum
Title: First Convening of the Syrian Constitutional Committee
Place/date: Geneva (Switzerland), 29 October–2 November 2019
Role: Committee member
Organizer: UN Special Envoy for Syria
Title: Strategies for socially and environmentally sustainable futures: urgent challenges and
emerging vulnerabilities
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 25 October–26 October 2019
Role: Co-organizer
Organizer: Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Sweden
Title: The Protection of Persons with Disabilities During Armed Conflicts
Place/date: Lund (Sweden), 3–4 October 2019
Role: Speaker
Organizer: Science for Peace and Security Programme of NATO and Raoul Wallenberg Institute
Title: RBU:s Framtidkongress
Place/date: Stockholm (Sweden), 2019
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Rörelsehindrade Barn & Ungdomar /RBU /
Title: Annual Meeting of the Arab Forum for Rights of People with Disabilities
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 2019
Role: Delegate (representing Syria)
Organizer: Arab Forum for Rights of People with Disabilities
Title: Musikhjälpen #mh18
Place/date: Lund (Sweden), 10–16 December 2018
Role: Speaker
Organizer: SVT and Sveriges Radio
Title: Unity in Diversity, shaping the future of Syria together
Place/date: Berlin (Germany), 3–5 October 2018
Role: Delegate
Organizer: European Center for Kurdish Studies (EZKS)/Power Sharing a United Syria
Title: RBU:s kongress RBU-forum!
Place/date: Stockholm(Sweden), 21–23 September 2018
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Rörelsehindrade Barn & Ungdomar (RBU)
Title: Sommarskolan om funktionshinder och mänskliga rättigheter
Place/date: Furuboda folkhögskola (Sweden), 21–24 August 2018
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Funktionsrätt Sverige/ Funktionsrattskonventionen
Title: The role of the diaspora in Europe
Rebuilding society, economy and state institutions
Place/date: Lund (Sweden ), December 2-3 ,2017
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Lund University
Title: Sommarskolan om funktionshinder och mänskliga rättigheter
Place/date: Värmdö (Sweden), 23–25 August 2017
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Funktionsrätt Sverige/ Funktionsrattskonventionen
Title: RBU:s Framtidskongress
Place/date: Stockholm(Sweden), 19–21 May 2017
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Swedish National Association for Disabled Children and Young People (RBU)
Title: The Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Relief and Emergency Programs
Place/date: City of Tunis (Tunisia), 23–27 May 2016
Role: Representative of Syria
Organizer: DPI, The Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, IREX, LPHU
Title: The Eighth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities “COSP8”
Place/date: UN Headquarters (New York), 9–11 June 2015
Role: Representative of Syria
Title: Civil Society Global Forum: Realising an Inclusive Post-2015 Development Agenda
Place/date: UN Headquarters (New York), 8 June 2015
Role: Representative of Syria
Organizer: UN, Disability People International, International Disability Alliance
Title: The fourth regional meeting of the Disabled People's International - Arab
Place/date: Hammamet (Tunis), 20–23 May 2015
Role: Representative of Syria
Organizer: DPI, Article19, Organisation Tunisienne de Défense des Droits de Personnes Handicapées
Title: Focus on Business support: Evolve and Grow
Place/date: Hultsfred (Sweden), 8 May 2014
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Hultsfred Municipality
Title: Applying EU Anti-Discrimination Law /114DV43/
Place/date: Trier (Germany), 10–11 February 2014
Role: Delegate
Organizer: ERA “Academy of European Law”
Place/date: Trier (Germany), 16–17 September 2013
Role: Delegate
Organizer: ERA “Academy of European Law”
Title: Imkan training program for young cultural leaders from the Arab region
Place/date: Cairo (Egypt), 11–17 March 2013
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Culture Resource Foundation
Title: Young Leaders Visitors Program (YLVP) 2012
Place/date: Stockholm (Sweden), 9–28 September 2012
Role: Delegate
Organizer: Swedish Institute
Title: The Regional Conference of the Musawa Project
Place/date: Cairo (Egypt), 25–26 February 2012
Role: Representative of Syria
Organizer: Arab League _HI_ ADOP _ EDF
Title: deciBel Performing Arts Showcase
Place/date: Manchester (UK), 13–16 September 2011
Role: Delegate
Organizer: The British Council
Title: Creative Case Symposium
Place/date: Manchester (UK), 12 September 2011
Role: Delegate
Organizer: The British Council
Title: The Youth Ability Summit
Place/date: Damascus (Syria), 26 July–4 August 2010
Role: Produce the first cross-cultural implementing the UN Convention on Rights of Persons
with Disabilities
Organizer: Open Hands Initiative
Title: Regional Training II Governance, Disability and Public Policy
Place/date: Amman (Jordan), 31 October–6 November 2009
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: HI _ ISS _ ADOP _ European Disability Forum
Title: Youth Café
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 1 December 2009
Role: Talk about challenges of education for persons with disabilities in the Arab world
Organizer: Arab thought foundation
Title: Regional Training on Governance, Disability and Public Policy
Place/date: Amman (Jordan), 28 June–24 July 2009
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: HI _ ISS _ ADOP _ European Disability Forum
Title: Workshop about Arabic Women with Disability
Place/date: Cairo (Egypt), 18–20 February 2009
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: Rehabilitation International _ Arab League
Title: I Conference about People with Special Needs
Place/date: Damascus (Syria), 3–4 December 2008
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: Ministry of Work in Syria
Title: International Meeting of Women with Disability
Place/date: Habana (Cuba), 18–21 November 2008
Role: Talk about Disable Women in Middle East
Organizer: ACLIFIM
Title: Training for Trainers. Arabic Leaders for Disable People.
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 24–26 October 2008
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: ADOP
Title: III Conference of the Arabic Organization of Disable People
Place/date: Cairo (Egypt), 7–9 October 2008
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: ADOP _ Arab League
Title: Workshop about War and Disability
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 4–5 July 2008
Role: Assistant to UN Special Rapporteur
Organizer: Special Reporter on Disability of the UN
Title: Conference about Disability and Television
Place/date: Sharja (UAE), 20–22 May 2008
Role: Talk about Special Programs for People with Disability
Organizer: Supreme Council for Family Affairs (UAE)
Title: International Conference about Disability and Informatics
Place/date: Amman (Jordan), 26–27 March 2008
Role: Assistant to UN Special Rapporteur
Organizer: Special Reporter on Disability of the UN
Title: Conference of the Organization “Small Flowers”
Place/date: Aleppo (Syria), 2–4 December 2007
Role: Assistance
Organizer: Organization “Small Flowers”
Title: Conference about the role of Media announcing the rights of work for people with
Place/date: Amman (Jordan), 27–29 November 2007
Role: Assistant to UN Special Rapporteur
Organizer: ILO
Title: I Arabic Conference about Women and Law
Place/date: Tripoli (Libya), 15–17 April 2007
Role: Talk about the role of media on educational rights of women
Organizer: Libyan Organization about Women Rights
Title: Training for Trainers. Arabic Leaders for People with Disability
Place/date: Tripoli (Lebanon), 5–7 February 2007
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: ADOP
Title: Meeting of Technology and People with disability
Place/date: Trujillo (Spain), 16 June 2006
Role: Talk about the situation of people with disability in Middle East
Organiker: Association “Plataforma sin Barreras”
Title: I Arabic Conference about Women with Disability
Place/date: Cairo (Egypt), 10–12 June 2006
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: ADOP_ Arab League
Title: II Parliament symposium of legislation about disability
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 1–2 December 2005
Role: Talk about the school inclusion of people with disability
Organizer: Special Reporter on Disability of the UN
Title: Training Workshop for Arabic Leaders for Disabled People
Place/date: Beirut (Lebanon), 24–27 September 2005
Role: Preparation, technical support and assistance in organising
Organizer: ADOP
Title: Regional Conference about Special Olympics Games in Middle East and North Africa
Place/date: Damascus (Syria), 13–15 September 2005
Role: Assistant to UN Special Rapporteur
Organizer: Commission of Special Olympics Games